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Student Project Title

Lanzillotto Marco

The role of premotor ear-eye field (PEEF) in auditory motor integration

Dr. Cristina Lucchetti

Caffarra Sendy

Neural correlates of the elaboration of negative sentences

Prof. Cristina Cacciari

Fabre Eve Floriane

How gender stereotypes modulate decisional processes

Prof. Cristina Cacciari

Giannelli Enrica

Study on the Theory of Mind competence in adult individuals

Prof. Paolo Nichelli

Mariani Simona

Protein structure networks in phototransduction and their implications in genetic diseases

Prof. Francesca Fanelli

Nakhai Sara

Effect of writing direction on attention

Prof. Cristina Cacciari

Matteo Pugnaghi

Imaging paroxysmal epileptiform activities by means of EEG-fMRI coregistration.
Development of a new non-invasive technique for the study of drug-resistant epilepsy

Dr. Stefano Meletti